Wednesday, September 30, 2009

The Letter N

At the beginning of the week, we introduce the letter, sounds and words that we are going to learn for the week.
After reviewing the letter N and its sound. Little Sugar glued Noodles on the letter N.


She counted the Noodles into the cups by looking at the numbers and then putting the right amount of noodles in the cup.

I used plastic cups and put dots on the cups as well as the number. This way your child can see many different way the number is used. We use these cups usually each week.

Introducing N words to little sugar!
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Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Letter C

We reviewed the letter C and its sound.


We used cars to dip into paint and paint over the letter C.

We reviewed the letter N from the prior week by cutting out numbers.

little sugar loves cats, so we read a book about Cats and counted cat stickers.
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Monday, September 28, 2009

Cones, Counting and Coins

During the week of C:

We COUNTED COINS and put them into ice CREAM CONES


We painted with the foam letters of C and N.

We sorted words that started with a C and put them on the letter c.
We checked the rest of the words to see if they started with a N and put them on the letter N.

Giving little sugar two different sizes of CUPS, she painted a picture with it.
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Muffin Tin Mondays

For the Letter C, we filled all 6 spots with food that started with the letter C, since it was an open idea week for the muffin tin.


Scarlett eating of course, her chocolate chips!
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Apple Crisp




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