Saturday, January 30, 2010

D Week

Reviewing D week, from the things that were in the D box. Scarlett was matching the objects with the words.


Working on the pincer grasp. This is an egg carton and clothes pins. As the weeks go on, you can put numbers in the bottom and move little cotton balls into the carton.


Then, revisiting that same concept a few days later. This is a 3 year mastery skill.
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Thursday, January 28, 2010

D Activities

I gave Scarlett dominoes to play with and also some Dora puzzles.


This is a shelf in her in kitchen that I set up for her (it use to be a changing table). We were reviewing the letter C and cutting. So I set up a little station for her to use her Cooking things.


Every morning on her little kitchen table, I set out food for her to cut. She felt so important.


Dress up time!!

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Letter D

One of our crafts usually consist of using the actual letter (which was D) and making something out of it. This week we made a Duck out of the D.

In this picture Scarlett was telling me where she wanted eyes, and since I had 8 kids there. I WAS THE ONLY ONE WITH GLUE.


Senses: Touchy Feely Box

I used an old "wipes" box and put 5 objects in it. The kids loved to guess what was in the box. (cotton balls, eraser, penny, key and etc) The goal was to use hard and soft objects.


Sorting: Red and Blue

I put out red and blue erasers and the children had to sort them into the matching bin.


I have two containers with a shape chart in each box. The children have to take the pieces and the board and put the picture together. Then, they have to put it AWAY. Then, they can do the other box.

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Letter of the week: D
Story of the week: Daniel and the Lions Den
Bible Verse: He will take great Delight in you. Zephaniah 3:17
Books: Dogs, Daddy, Dora, Ducks

Thursday, January 21, 2010

More C

Scarlett was practicing writing the letter C.


We work on puzzles a few times a week, here she is working on the Noah's Ark puzzle.



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Wednesday, January 20, 2010

C in action

Scarlett working on her ice cube counting.


Scarlett loves to CUT and make all sorts of different artwork pieces.

Scarlett called Nana and pappaw one day and asked them what kind of pizza they wanted. After they ordered, she told them it would be 18. So they sent her 18 pennies, she LOVED counting them. We were counting ALL week.


This station looks messy BUT it was after many children explored at this station.

Ice Cream Cone Math:

Children had to count out cotton balls that matched the number that was on the outside of the cone.

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C Stations

We discussed Castles start with the Letter C. We also read the book Courdrey and the kids love to see the little stuffed animal and check on his "button."


At the math station, the children explored with the calculator and the clock.


Another math activity was cups and pennies. Children had to count the right amount of pennies that should go in each cup.


Ice Cube Tray Counting:

Children had to count the right amount of buttons to match it to the number in the tray.

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C Activities

I usually set out books that start with the letter for the week. Books such as crocidiles, colors and cars.


Mommys C word: COFFEE


Instead of putting water in the water/sand table, I put Caps and Cups in it for the children to explore.


Scarlett later in the week, used the caps to glue and make artwork with.

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Letter C

Scarlett was working on "cutting."

She also likes to use tape when she cuts little pieces.

Something about scissors and tape can keep her occupied for along time.


C Craft:

Need: cut out letter of C, car, paint

Gave Scarlett a C and she dipped the car in paint and pretended it was a race track.


Bible Verse: We will be changed into His likeness. 2 Corinthians 3:18

For letters A, B, and C we worked on God's Creation

Craft: God created the Clouds.

Need: blue paper, lots of glue and cotton balls


Another picture of Scarlett working on her artwork.

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Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Letter B

Usually every week, Scarlett and I fill a box with things that start with that letter for the week.

This week we filled it with things that started with a B.


I put a few babies and bottles out for Scarlett to play with. We talked about the words and how they started with the "b" sound.


Willow likes to get in on the action too.

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Bible verse for B: I am the Bread of Life.John 6:48
Bible story: continued with Adam and Eve, Creation
Read: The Bear went over the Mountain
Brown Bear, Brown Bear

Thursday, January 7, 2010

A is for Animals

God created the Animals. We talked about how He created everything around us including Adam and Eve and all of the animals too.

paper, paint, and sea animals to put in the ocean.


Scarlett painting her artwork.

D is almost finished with her artwork.
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We also used:
felt board materials to teach creation
read "Adam and Eve"

Letter A

Sitting with the girls and going over matching shapes. We were matching the shapes with the word.


Scarlett painting her A is for Apple.


The bible verse for the letter a:
Keep me as the Apple of Your Eye. Psalm 17:8.

We use the cd called, "songs for saplings" and it has a letter that matches a bible verse.


Our little bulletin board that we put our letters on:

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